Why is My Gold Necklace Turning Bronze? Here's What You Need to Know

Why is My Gold Necklace Turning Bronze? Here's What You Need to Know

Why is My Gold Necklace Turning Bronze? Here's What You Need to Know

Have you noticed your once-shiny gold necklace starting to take on a bronze hue? Don't panic - this is a common problem that many gold jewellery owners face. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why your gold necklace may be turning bronze and what you can do about it.

First, let's talk about why this happens. The most common cause of a gold necklace turning bronze is oxidation and tarnishing. Simply put, this means that the gold is reacting with oxygen and other elements in the air, leading to a buildup of tarnish on the surface of the metal. This can cause the gold to take on a bronze, or even green, appearance.

But that's not the only factor. The chemicals in your everyday products, such as lotions, perfumes, and hair products, can also contribute to your gold necklace turning bronze. When these chemicals come into contact with the metal, they can react with the gold and cause discolouration and tarnishing.

Why is my gold necklace turning bronze?

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So what can you do to prevent or fix this problem? The good news is that it's usually a simple fix. To start, it's important to properly clean and polish your gold necklace to remove any tarnish or discolouration. You can use a gentle jewellery cleaner or even just a solution of warm water and mild soap to do the trick.

If the tarnish is deep or has affected the gold's colour, it may be time to bring in the pros. A professional jewellery cleaner can give your necklace a thorough cleaning and, if necessary, repair any damage.

And to keep your gold necklace shining for years to come, it's important to store it properly when not in use, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, and regularly clean and polish it.

A gold necklace turning bronze is a common problem that can be caused by oxidation and tarnishing, chemical exposure, or inadequate cleaning and maintenance. With a little TLC, you can keep your gold necklace looking like new for years to come.

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